5 Ways to Avoid Buyer’s Remorse for your Customers

As you focus on growing your business and increasing sales, you may inadvertently give your customers buyer’s remorse.

Buyer’s remorse is the feeling that buyers experience that makes them regret their purchase because they think it is either expensive or unnecessary.

While it is good to sell more products and improve the overall sales volume, if you do not build trust and gain repeat buyers, your business will have a hard time growing. As more customers request returns, you will have to process more refunds that will hold you back from becoming profitable.

On the other hand, by reducing buyer’s remorse, you will benefit from more happy and satisfied customers who will be more likely to return to your store for purchases in the future.

Every business must make a conscious choice to reduce buyer’s remorse and encourage customer loyalty. This has to be woven into your strategy for attracting and retaining customers.

Here are 5 ways to avoid buyer’s remorse for your customers.

  1. Inform your Buyers

When your customers buy products from you, they have to know everything about the product. Buyer’s remorse happens when customers have incomplete information about the product. They may or may not be sure if the product is the right fit for them. This is why your product descriptions are very important.

When you inform your buyers of exactly what they can expect from the product, they have confidence in their decision when they go ahead with the purchase.

Take your time to create informative product descriptions. Maybe hire a copywriter to do it for you. Also, get rid of any fine print you have. Be as open as possible by providing reliable information. This will lead to a decrease in buyer’s remorse among your customers.

  1. Focus on the Benefits

While it is nice to list all the amazing features of your products, customers cannot relate to them. For buyers to truly appreciate the value you provide with your products, you have to focus more on the benefits.

Benefits will tell customers how your product will solve their problems and achieve their goals. It reassures them that they are making the right decision in purchasing your product. If you do not know how to list all the benefits of your product, use the product features as a starting point. Write down the results of each feature and you have the reasons why customers should buy your product. Try to add these reasons along with the product description and you will now have a copy that focuses on benefits.

Remember, customers are interested in benefits, not features.

  1. Educate your Customers

Educating your customers on your products and why it is the right choice for them will help build trust and give them confidence in their purchase decision. When you make an effort to add value to your customers, they will recognize it and return back the favor with a vote of confidence in your business.

Try to maintain a blog where you share useful information and provide high-quality content that educates potential customers. Also, use your presence on social media platforms to post educational content. It is highly recommended to have a good presence on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Videos are hugely popular these days and no wonder YouTube is the second-most visited website in the world. When you regularly publish educational content, you also increase your chances of being perceived as a thought leader in your niche.

  1. Coupons and Promotions

There is nothing more that will nudge your customers to take the final step than coupons and promotions. This will make them justify their purchase.

However, this should not be your only strategy because it can lead to buyer’s remorse. Combine it with informing and educating your customers and you will give them the right incentive to make an informed purchase from you.

Studies have shown that customers have less desire to complete a purchase without a coupon. Giving a discount delights customers and sweetens the deal for them.

  1. Customer Support and Service

You have to prioritize customer support if you want to avoid buyer’s remorse. Pre and post-sales support are critical to address your customer’s concerns and give them the assurance that you’re there for them. With technological advancement and other competing businesses, you have to be extremely responsive to your customers.

Make sure to have live chat support, email support, and support on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. There are many touchpoints for customers and you have to be available on different platforms to answer customer queries and guide them in their journey to becoming a regular customer.

As your business grows, invest in a dedicated team to answer customer queries and provide support. It is important to offer timely responses to get more opportunities for sale and reduce buyer’s remorse.


Buyer’s remorse happens to a lot of customers. At some point, you will have a buyer who is not satisfied with the purchase and will return your product. Your task as the seller is to reduce buyer’s remorse so that you have fewer overall returns and continue to grow your business.


If you’re a wholesale seller, you can reduce buyer’s remorse by providing inspection services for your customers before shipping the products. Register for a seller account on Strade to get access to verified buyers from 100+ countries around the world. You can expand your business and take advantage of the various benefits offered by Strade including safe online payments, integrated shipping, and payments deposited in your currency.

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